Hi my name is Michael. My issues started very young, at 5 or 6 my dad left home, things became increasingly violent after this. With my leader and guide in life not there I felt lost, rejected and desperate. At the age of 10 I tried to suicide for the first time. I’d continue to self- harm for many years after this to try and release the pain I felt. At 13 I began smoking cannabis, it helped me to escape but soon wasn’t enough. My drug use grew and escalated through all types of drugs. At 16 I became homeless, sofa-surfing and rough sleeping and then getting into crime to fund my habits. Soon after I tried heroin and thought I’d found the answer! I quickly began injecting, mixing it with crack- cocaine too, also whilst taking massive amounts of Valium. I just didn’t want to be alive and now had many serious mental health problems, resulting in being sectioned. I came to teen challenge after bumping into a friend’s mum, a born-again Christian. I really struggled at first, I couldn’t stand talk of Jesus! Some geezer who lived 2000 years ago, how can he help me? Turns out He can do quite a bit if you let Him! After an encounter and meeting with Jesus my life has been radically transformed. I’m free of all addictions, healed of all the mental health conditions I had and my family relationships have been restored. I’m now a support worker and the outreach coordinator at Teen Challenge London, as well as studying at bible college. I have a future and a hope. I’m so grateful to God. Jesus can do it for you to!