At Teen Challenge we run an 12 month supervised programme, with a further 6 month re-entry phase, to help people find true freedom from their addictions.
We have a steady ethos that firmly believes in what we term as ‘tough love’. This means that we value and show unconditional acceptance of the person who has come to us for help. We recognise that most who come to us have lived an undisciplined and chaotic drug fuelled lifestyle and that the habits, addictions and patterns of behaviour that the person has picked up along the way need to be challenged and addressed for change to take place. During the 12 month period residents will embark on a series 14 courses of teaching that will help them receive the necessary information and knowledge to walk in a new way, free from any addiction. The residential drug rehab programme is divided into 4 Phases, and each person will progress onto the next Phase once the level of understanding and the application of that understanding is being lived out on a day to day basis within the centre.

Induction is a minimum of 4 weeks. Any change to Phase 1 will be dependent on the students ability to settle into the programme and showing a willingness to abide by the rules. Students on Induction will have no access to telephones for personal use, but can send and receive postal mail. But all mail will be opened in the presence of a staff member, and this will apply throughout the programme.
Phase 1
Phase 1 is a minimum of 12 weeks. During this time a student must be showing a willingness to abide by the rules and to work towards dealing with any objectives that might be set for them. Objectives could include dealing with matters outside of the centre i.e family, legal and financial obligation’s.
Student’s will now have access to a telephone for personal use. All calls are for 15 minutes and they have 4 calls per week this will apply throughout the programme. After 4 weeks on phase 1 student’s can have a visit at the centre on a Saturday afternoon. Only immediate family, or suitable friends can visit.
Phase 2
Phase 2 is a minimum of 12 weeks. During this time a student must demonstrate self discipline and a responsible attitude towards money both in and outside of the centre. They must be showing the ability to accept responsibility for their actions both inside and outside the centre.They will also be demonstrating the ability to cope with the ongoing stresses of living within a disciplined community life and showing a positive attitude towards work.
After 4 weeks on phase 2 a student will be allowed to leave the centre for a 12 hour day out. They must be accompanied by a suitable adult and must satisfy the manager on their intentions for the day.
Phase 3
Phase 3 is a minimum of 16 weeks. Students should now be showing permanent new attitudes towards their previous lifestyles. Their attitudes and behaviour towards staff and other student’s should be increasing in levels of maturity and responsibilty. They will be leading by example and showing levels of commitment to those on the earlier phases of the programme. Their attitude towards work will be consistant and positive. During this time they will be eligible to take part in an agreed ministry. Students will start to establish future goals.
After 4 weeks the student will be allowed to leave the centre for the weekend. They must stay with relatives or suitable friends.
Phase 4
Phase 4 is a minimum of 26 weeks. Students will now have a contract which will be individually tailored. They will have to demonstrate the ability to live in a low structured enviroment without direct supervision and a minimum of rules, or organisation. They will be expected to demonstrate confidence, reliabilty, initiative, leadership and submission. They will be expected to volunteer in agreed ministries. Students now have freedom of movement outside of the centre in their free time and in most cases, will have their benefits paid to them.
Graduation will depend on their satisfactory completion of this phase.