Welcome to the Teen Challenge rehab programme, one of the leading Christian drug rehabilitation programmes in the world. You don’t have to be a Christian to enter our Christian drug rehabilitation programme but just have a desire to find freedom from life-controlling addictions such as drugs and alcohol.

Our residential rehabilitation program spans eleven months, followed by an additional six-month re-entry phase. This program consists of four essential phases that play a crucial role in every step of an individual’s recovery journey. We are committed to rehabilitating all facets of a person—spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical. In addition to our organized program and carefully upheld routine, each student receives counseling at least once a week.
Participants in our Christian drug rehabilitation program will engage in 14 practical lessons rooted in Biblical teachings, aimed at clarifying the reasons behind addiction and what the Bible reveals about achieving genuine freedom. Central to our rehabilitation approach are the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Gospel message, which conveys that every man and woman has the opportunity to experience a renewed life with God, along with forgiveness and hope.
If you know of anyone seeking help for problems with drink or drugs please do not hesitate to contact our centre where we can offer residential help and support.
Teen Challenge has been set up as a rescue mission for those caught in addictions and are committed to see individuals find freedom through Christ. Although circumstances may change we believe God’s word, the Bible does not change and therefore is a firm and stable foundation to base our lives on. We believe that it is God who helps us when the going gets tough because of his unconditional love for everyone in this world.