Teen Challenge is one of the world’s leading drug rehab centers with a very high success rate for helping people become free from drugs and alcohol. Here at Teen Challenge London, we know all about drug, alcohol addiction, the fears and challenges that face those reaching out for support and appreciate how hard asking for support can be.
Addressing substance misuse is probably the most significant action a person with a history of drink, drug and gambling abuse will ever do. We understand how difficult taking those first steps towards personal discovery and recovery can be. Teen Challenge London knows how to ensure that when people do take those first tentative steps towards asking for help, the right kind of support is waiting for them. That’s the focus of Teen Challenge London: ‘we’ve been there, and helped thousands find freedom from addiction’, and now, ‘we can show you how to do it too’.
Teen Challenge London is a faith-based, residential drug rehabilitation program located in Drayton Hall Norwich, which offers men aged 18+ freedom from drug and alcohol addiction. Based on Christian principles the program offers spiritual and academic training, equipping individuals to return to society as responsible adults. Our Outreach to London and the home counties are coordinated from our East London hub, Wilkerson House.
Centres for women are available in Scotland & Wales. See our directory of UK rehab centres.